
How To Change Resolution In Skyrim Special Edition

SkyrimSE:Display Settings

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Skyrim Special Edition Brandish Settings

A guide to configuring the best display settings for Skyrim Special Edition

by: The Step Team

Guide telescopic [edit]

The intent of this guide is to serve as a general reference for optimizing display settings for Skyrim Special Edition (SkyrimSE, SSE) irrespective of hardware variation. This includes workarounds for dissimilar use cases.

Determinant Factors [edit]

In that location are a few factors to consider in a 'Bayesian'1 approach to making configuration choices using this guide. Of form, exhaustive testing can be done, but it's impractical. Better to test a few likely candidates. This guide volition refer to these factors when they are important in choosing how to configure certain display settings for SSE.

Variable refresh rate (VRR) Sometimes referred to as "adaptive sync" or "dynamic sync" allows the monitor to adjust the frequency at which it refreshes the image to match the frame rate from the GPU. Proprietery VRR technologies include NVIDIA's 'M-SYNC'2 and AMD'south "Freesync"3 technologies. In order to use either of these VRR solutions with SSE, both the video card and the monitor must back up the same VRR solution.

CPU The CPU speed and system bus efficiency are important in terms of serving frames speedily to the GPU. The CPU is a decent indicator of the overall ability of a system, and this has some influence over recommendations of this guide. Per the SSE guide, the Intel Cadre i5-4670 equivalent or better is used as an estimate threshold to more powerful systems (Intel Core i5-4670 equivalent or better).

Refresh Charge per unit Monitor refresh rate is a gross indicator of likelihood to support VRR, screen size/resolution, and response time with monitors having 144 Hz or college refresh rates existence significantly more likely to have the higher-cease qualities (VRR support, higher resolutions, shorter response times).

Resolution [edit]

Resolution can be set by modifying the post-obit lines in SkyrimPrefs.ini:

[Display] iSize H=1080 iSize W=1920

Alternatively, these can exist set using an INI editor similar BethINI. Mods similar SSE Brandish Tweaks can also exist used to override many of the game INIs brandish settings (including resolution) by changing the following line in SKSE\Plugins\SSEDisplayTweaks.ini:

[Return] Resolution=1920x1080

SSE Display Tweaks besides allows setting a resolution lower than the screen resolution and upscaling it to screen size while in borderless windowed mode. This will provide a meaning performance enhancement at the expense of resolution, but screen size will remain unchanged. In order for this feature to work:

[Return] BorderlessUpscale=true

Some other quick and like shooting fish in a barrel mode to change the resolution calibration is also provided past SSE Brandish Tweaks. This tweak is substantially a resolution multiplier that preserves the screen aspect ratio. This tin can exist uncommented and lowered to improve performance at the toll of resolution.

[Return] ResolutionScale=0.75

Ultra widescreen [edit]

While the game does not natively back up ultra widescreen aspect ratios, Complete Widescreen Fix is able to remedy this problem. Simply install the advisable files, and ensure they overwrite whatever conflicting assets.

Screen modes [edit]

The game supports both windowed and fullscreen modes, with the option to run in borderless windowed mode, via the following INI settings in the SkyrimPrefs.ini file:

[Display] bBorderless=0 bFull Screen=ane

Fullscreen style [edit]

Without mods, fullscreen mode volition provide the best operation. Without SSE Display Tweaks, this is the just method that Thousand-SYNC (and FreeSync?) volition be able to be successfully used. Setting bFull Screen=i will enforce this method unless overwritten by a mod that overwrites this setting. SSE Brandish Tweaks users can use the following setting in the SKSE\Plugins\SSEDisplayTweaks.ini file to ready this:

[Render] Fullscreen=true

Borderless windowed mode [edit]

Borderless windowed fashion is often preferred considering of the ease of alt-tabbing to other applications. Nevertheless, without SSE Display Tweaks, G-SYNC (and FreeSync?) will not work in windowed mode. SSE Display Tweaks users, all the same, can apply Yard-SYNC or FreeSync in borderless windowed manner. Setting bFull Screen=0 and bBorderless=1 will enforce this method unless overwritten by a mod that overwrites this setting. SSE Display Tweaks users can use the following settings in the SKSE\Plugins\SSEDisplayTweaks.ini file to set this:

[Render] Fullscreen=false Borderless=true

Optimizing framerate and latency [edit]

By default, Skyrim Special Edition runs at a maximum of threescore frames per second. While this is fine for about users, some may observe this restrictive. These users should disable this framerate lock by disabling bLockFrameRate in Skyrim.ini and installing SSE Brandish Tweaks.

[Display] bLockFrameRate=0

Unlocking framerate for functioning testing [edit]

Information technology can be useful to unlock framerate completely for testing performance. To do and then, perform the following:

  • Plough off all settings regarding framerate limiting and VSync in your graphics bill of fare driver software
  • Fix EnableFPSLimit=simulated and ForceVSync=false in ENBLocal.ini from ENB
  • Set FramerateLimit=0 and EnableVSync=fake in SKSE\Plugins\SSEDisplayTweaks.ini from SSE Display Tweaks
  • Set bLockFrameRate=0 in Skyrim.ini and any SkyrimCustom.ini
  • Set iVSyncPresentInterval=0 in SkyrimPrefs.ini.

Once your testing is complete, you should reenable settings as desired and explained below.

Fixing Havok [edit]

The game's physics only supports a framerate of 60 frames per second. There are several mods that can gear up this, but should not be used all at the same fourth dimension. It is recommended to use SSE Brandish Tweaks fix, every bit information technology is the most comprehensive and consummate. The SKSE\Plugins\SSEDisplayTweaks.ini file comes preconfigured with the Havok prepare enabled:

[Havok] Enabled=truthful DynamicMaxTimeScaling=true

If your organization is struggling to meet 60 frames per second, lowering MinimumFramerate may improve performance.

[Havok] MinimumFramerate=lx

If you have set a framerate limit, are utilizing Fullscreen mode, or accept VSync enabled, information technology is recommended to fix MaximumFramerate=0 to let the plugin to determine this value automatically.

[Havok] MaximumFramerate=0

Skyrim has an alternative physics mode that lessens CPU usage in complex scenes such as the civil state of war battles at the expense of simulation quality. Users with weak CPUs can set PerformanceMode=true to use this fashion everywhere if they feel performance issues, especially when a lot of NPCs are around.

[Havok] PerformanceMode=truthful

Framerate limit [edit]

It is recommended to employ a framerate limit within the SKSE\Plugins\SSEDisplayTweaks.ini file of SSE Display Tweaks for all users to ensure the maximum latency. For users who utilise G-SYNC or FreeSync, set FramerateLimit to your maximum refresh rate minus 3 frames per second (e.thou., 144 Hertz monitor - iii = 141). All other users should set this to i FPS beneath their maximum refresh rate.

[Render] FramerateLimit=59

Users with skilful hardware volition benefit from setting FramerateLimitMode=1 for improved input latency. Weaker hardware configurations should leave this at 0 for more consistent frametimes.

[Render] FramerateLimitMode=1

Latency settings [edit]

AMD users should enable Radeon Anti-Lag to further reduce input lag. NVIDIA users should similarly gear up Low Latency Mode to On. Setting it to Ultra may reduce lag farther at the cost of more CPU usage and a FPS penalty. Users tin can also experiment with setting MaxFrameLatency=one within the SKSE\Plugins\SSEDisplayTweaks.ini file of SSE Display Tweaks.

[Render] MaxFrameLatency=1

VSync [edit]



If yous are using K-SYNC or FreeSync, it is even so recommended to have VSync enabled!

VSync (vertical synchronization) is recommended to be enabled in 1 manner or the other to preclude screen fierce. VSync can be fix in multiple places, but the most common places include the post-obit:

  • SkyrimPrefs.ini (the official game INI settings)
[Display] iVSyncPresentInterval=0
  • ENBLocal.ini (ENB users only)
[ENGINE] ForceVSync=false
  • SKSE\Plugins\SSEDisplayTweaks.ini
[Render] EnableVSync=true
  • Graphics driver settings
    • Varies between graphics drivers

It is recommended to enable VSync in only one place so you lot know exactly which VSync method yous are using. It is preferred to enable VSync in the graphics driver settings for the game if possible.

Thou-SYNC [edit]

Vsync is still recommended if using G-SYNC to forestall screen tearing 100% of the fourth dimension.4
One thousand-SYNC users should ensure they have set-upwardly G-SYNC with the required hardware to utilise the feature:

  • A G-SYNC uniform GPU,
  • A G-SYNC compatible monitor (some FreeSync monitors work as well) with the appropriate OSD settings enabled,
  • And the appropriate cord (a DisplayPort cable is generally required).

You can generally determine that you accept it ready correctly if you go the "Prepare Thousand-SYNC" selection in the NVIDIA control console. Make sure that you enable information technology for both fullscreen and windowed mode if you are using borderless windowed mode. Also ensure that Monitor Applied science is set to Yard-SYNC Compatible in Skyrim Special Edition'south 3D settings. As already mentioned in the VSync department higher up, ensure that Vertical sync is gear up to On in Skyrim Special Edition's 3D settings. Also, ensure that you have set a framerate limit that is iii FPS below your maximum refresh rate as also mentioned above.

FreeSync [edit]

Vsync is still recommended if using Freesync to prevent screen tearing 100% of the time.4
FreeSync users should ensure they have set-up FreeSync with the required hardware to employ the characteristic:

  • A FreeSync uniform GPU,
  • A FreeSync compatible monitor with the appropriate OSD settings enabled,
  • And the appropriate cord (a DisplayPort cable is recommended).

Make sure you lot enable AMD FreeSync for your monitor in Radeon Settings under Display and gear up AMD FreeSync to On for the game's profile under Gaming. Also, ensure that yous have set a framerate limit that is 3 FPS below your maximum refresh rate as besides mentioned above.


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